From NFL huddles to your next speaking event.

Alec Ingold’s story of adoption, an unorthodox journey to the NFL, and unique approach to mindset has shaped him into a natural born leader. Book Alec now to inspire you and your team to reach heights you never thought possible.

“Being adopted and going
undrafted into the NFL taught me
that you can be someone’s second choice and it can be the perfect fit.
It can be what it’s meant to be.”

— Alec Ingold

Identifying Personal Standards

Improving Performance by Focusing on Standards over Feelings

Mental Toughness Training

Leadership Development

High-Performance Sales

Identifying Daily Disciplines to Drive Results



"I was personally touched by Alec’s willingness to just be human, to understand the tragedy of the moment, and to bring your personal story and time to the kids who need it most."

Lauren Arnold CEO, Raise the Future

"Alec Ingold energized and captivated my team... they felt like he was the best speaker they've seen! I would highly recommend Alec for organizations looking to spark a renewed sense of positivity, grit, and genuine drive for achieving your goals."

Tony Noel VP of Sales, Cottingham & Butler

"Alec, this is a great message that I will share with my own kids and our athletes. I already wrote down a couple of goals and posted them on my own computer!"

Ben McCormick Athletic Director, Janesville School District

alec is currently booking for:

Live & Virtual Keynotes

Mindset Coaching


Adoption Adversity Mindset Embracing Change Purposeful Leadership Grit